Access Jenkins vagrant vm lab from host

Access Docker Web Server in vagrant box from host machine

When following the cloudbees jenkins administration study material, you will be required to set up your own private lab using a vagrant box. When you are doing it you migth have issue accessing the jenkins lab server hosted in the vagrant box. To fix those issues you need to

  • Set a private network with vm IP in the vagrant file

  • Ssh to the vm. You need to be in the folder containing the Vagrantfile then run the following command:

      vagrant ssh
  • Edit the docker-compose file under /docker/docker-compose.yml

cd /docker
vi docker-compose.yml

Change 'expose' to 'ports'

Change it to ports

  • Save your changes and restart docker-compose
docker-compose up -d #when it's done check the port expose
docker ps

On the previous image, check for the ports linked to jenkins container. You will now be able to access it through your host browser by specifying the ports number after the vm ip address. it will look like :


Here you might burst on an unfamiliar page. just add jenkins

Example :

You will then land on the login page.

Important to note you could just open Jenkins by using the url localhost:5000 in your web browser after launching the the cloudbees vagrant box.

Thanks for reading :)